Real Luxembourg – Luxembourg blog part 2 …

I mean OMG! To put it simply, I could not have been more wrong! In part 1 of this Luxembourg blog, we clearly had a misconception of the country brought upon by some very bizarre happenings. However the real Luxembourg is simply awesome!

Luxembourg countryside is stunning
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Is Luxembourg the best kept secret in Europe?

Well by the amount of bikers and classic cars touring around the place … no, it’s just us that didn’t know! And also … 4 Ferraris, 6 Porsches, 4 Golf GTIs, 2 Golf TCRs – all on day one of being in the country. I’ve only ever seen 3 TCRs in the UK since they came out in 2019 … it’s a nation of petrol heads. And you can see why ….

There’s mountain passes that go on and on, just amazing. Castles keep creeping up on you round corners, hidden by cliffs or in forests – simply stunning.

Unbeknown to us, it’s known as Little Switzerland … and you can really see why!

The route I’d sourced stated that it would take 2.5 hours to complete. Lol! It took us 4.5 hours because of the number of times we kept stopping to take photographs – stupendous!

If you haven’t explored the country in depth, we could not recommend it more highly! A Dutch guy I spoke to told me that due to its proximity to the Netherlands, it was known as one of the special places!

Luxembourg countryside is stunning
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