Denmark blog …

OMG Denmark – who knew just how fantastic it is? We love it! Crikey, where do you start? The Denmark blog …

Spodsbjerg, Langeland

So for those who’ve been to Hyannis in the states – you know, where the Kennedy’s used to go on vacation [on holiday as we know it 😉 – it’ll ring a bell! Spodsbjerg is just one of the most relaxing place ever – omg! It’s like stripping all your concerns away and taking you back the bare essentials and leaving you with a big beaming grin on your face – just pleasantly FANTASTIC! I literally could live there! After 2 days, I was seriously wondering whether I should!

For those of you that don’t know Hyannis, and you want to know what Spodsbjerg is like – think flat long white beaches, with local people not posing about, with fish n chips (or local variant of), with warm friendly attitudes to all, with slow pace of living, and all affordable … mmm nice! We loved it … have I said that before!

And to think that we had no intention of even going to that part of Denmark!! That’s what I like about not overplanning, and its also what I like about not going to where everyone else goes to!

We only ended up there because I was enjoying myself on the very fast motorways in Germany … hey did I tell you about that – oh, it was awesome, I’m still grinning now! – oh yeah, it’s over in the Germany blog!

Yeah, we ended up on the wrong road to the wrong place, stuck in a queue with no way out of paying for a ferry which we had no intention of getting on, and which cost about £100! We thought ahhh, and then ah well! And before we knew it we were enjoying a ferry ride from Germany to Lolland in Denmark! I must say though that the ferry journey is pretty short and in my view is MASSIVELY overpriced! Also, why do all the Germans rush to buy overcooked chips on the ferry – weird!?

Ferry from Germany to Denmark
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Anyway Lolland was looking nice n peaceful and within no time at all, we were on another ferry going to Langeland! Only this time, the ferry was only £30 or so! And slower, and nicer, and with fewer people on, and the people were friendly …. you may be able to see where I’m going with this? Langeland is just great and even the approach to it is great!

Lolland in Denmark
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Lolland in Denmark
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Lolland in Denmark
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Ferry to Langeland in Denmark
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Ferry to Langeland in Denmark
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So we stayed at the campsite at the ferry port! This may seem bizarre, but you know how we feel about it already! The sands were so wide, the sea was so clean, it was quiet and sooooo peaceful! I’ve added a video that hopefully gives you an idea!

The young guy who runs the site is great, and the young woman who runs the fish restaurant is lovely! There was literally only us that were camping in a tent, apart from an elderly couple who cycled in then cycled out – a popular thing to do apparently! There are few roads on the island and so hiking and cycling seem to be the way to go should you want to see it all – you should try – we did!


Travelling from Langeland to Odense is also sublime! because its all little island, there are numerous bridges that you have to cross on the way, and mostly its a 50mph jaunt – just so relaxing! The view over Svendborg from the bridge is just so enticing, it’s incredible!

Odense itself is a beautiful city – the third largest in Denmark apparently – although there’s only a couple of hundred thousand people live there. Perhaps that another reason why it’s just so cool! Also there’s a university, and this the inevitable influence from the younger generation – i.e. our future generations! There’s clearly so much history to the place and it’s just so clean! Also, the people seem to be very proud and confident! Quite an enlightening place and def worth a visit!

Copenhagen – København

Getting to Copenhagen involves driving over the Storebælt bridge which connects Zealand and Funen. Whilst this is a spectacular drive, it cost about £30 to drive over the bridge (June 2023). In fact whichever way you go to get to Copenhagen you seem to have to pay at least £30!

But wow! What a city! Absolutely stunning. Very chilled in general and very musical … although there was a jazz festival going on at the time we were there … which was nice! Jazzz … great! Loads to do and see in Copenhagen, and just so cultured, highly recommended! Just watch out for the costs … it really is super expensive … and budget accordingly!

Canalside in Copenhagen in Denmark
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Statue in Copenhagen in Denmark
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Shopping street in Copenhagen in Denmark
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Nyhavn street in Copenhagen in Denmark
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Statue of birds in Copenhagen in Denmark
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Parking in Copenhagen

Parking is split into zones in Copenhagen, designated by colour. The closer you get to the centre, the more expensive it is. Paying for parking can either be done via the on-street machines (which we couldn’t find) or via one of many downloadable apps (which charge you a percentage fee on top of the extortionate parking cost! Be aware in the Green zone it is expensive, although of course, you will be very central. This link is the official site for charges.


We chose an Airbnb in Halmtorvet in Vesterbro, staying in Shameel’s place! Really great guy from South Africa – super helpful, relaxed and accommodating! Highly recommended if you’re ever in the area.

Eating out in Copenhagen

Like everything else in the capital, expect to pay a high price for eating out! And of course, if you eat out in the tourist hotspots, there’s a premium on top too! The good side is that there is an incredible choice of restaurants to choose from. Where we stayed in Halmtorvet in Vesterbro there are a plethora of east Asian restaurants, many of which are highly rated. But again, pricey, especially if you’re on a round-the-world budget like we are!

Do they speak English in Copenhagen?

Incredibly, they often speak better English than many people I know who are English! 😉

What are the Danish people like though?

So yeah, that’s all well and good, telling you all about some if the things we did, but what are the Danes like? Well, its clear that they’re a very proud people, and there’s lots of references to King Canute! What we found strange though was that they’re even worse than the British for looking away of you catch their eye – lol! And because of their complexion they redden in the cheeks easily, giving away their embarrassment – hilarious! They are though super nice, and outrageously helpful! Just lovely people!

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