Germany blog …

So travelling through Germany to Bremen avoiding tolls roads and motorways was tiring, in particular because of the amount of super slow lorries and tractors on the roads. I guess we should have expected the tractors, having grown up surrounded by farmland and seasonal working. However, what is with lorries that travel at 35mph? I mean I can understand them sticking to the speed limits (mostly about 45mph), but 35mph? Even other lorries were frustrated … you could tel by them sounding their horns. But it wasn’t just one or two – bizarrely there were hoards of them?!? What is the score with that?

Again, we were thankful for our choice of car! The only limitation we had was that it’s RHD, and so we had to hang back a bit, and lean out a bit further that we’d like to, to see past trains of lorries! Once we had a space though …. well nuff said!

No speed limits

The following day, we decided to change the SatNav so that it didn’t avoid motorways, and, knowing that we were entering Denmark, we decided to let it stop avoiding toll roads too. Oh joy of joys, motorways with no speed limits. There were stretches when there were Mercs and BMWs piling down the road at well in excess of 120mph … so we decided to join them.

In the immortal words from Withnail & I: What are you doing Withnail? I’m making time!

What I can tell you is that our car is definitely limited in its top speed, and that it keeps on accelerating right up to the top! Quite staggering! Btw, we were super, super careful, and not reckless in any way, ever! Don’t try this at home kids!

Oh, it put a mighty grin on my face, though it meant that we didn’t realise the direction we were going in! Instead of us going up through mainland Denmark – Jutland, we ended up going to a ferry terminal, and before we knew it we were at the front of the queue paying €108.50 to get from Germany to Denmark – doh! That’ll teach me to go too fast!!

In the words of Homer … mmmm … very very fast 🙂


We stayed in an Airbnb with a sweet elderly lady who spoke a bit of English! We had the whole of the top floor – it was great – or so we thought! The owner had opened a window to the air in – nice tough, it was baking! But … later on it became mosquito hell! And because of all the wood in the room, we couldn’t catch the little swines! It was awful ;( Hiding under covers all night, exhausted with that incessant whine that they make, and waking up covered in bites ‘cos it was too hot … ugh!

Still the old lady was nice … and her pad would’ve been great with the windows closed – lol!

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