Contact us

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If you want to contact us for any reason, please use the form below.

If you’ve got some awesome pictures, or some useful info that you’d like to share, do let us know. We’re also happy to receive feedback to help us improve this site – we’re happy to learn.

We do try to reply to each and every enquiry or message, as appropriate. However, as we’re on the move most hours in the day, and planning our next day most evenings, you may not receive a reply immediately – so please bear with us 🙂 Also, if you’d like a quick reply, remember to work out the time difference.

We only use a simple form, as we are not in the business of collecting data on people – be aware of those who do!

Remember to take a look at all the information throughout the website and review our privacy policy – you may find the answer to your question.

You should be aware also that all media exclusively written or taken by us are owned by and under the copyright of Unfortunately you may not copy or use our media without our express permission.

Oh, and if you’re a car manufacturer, like Volkswagen, Toyota, Land Rover or Mercedes-Benz for example, and you’d like some real-world user experience of some of your awesome vehicles, please don’t forget to contact us – we’re more than happy to test drive them across the world! 😉

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Some social media nonsense!

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