Digital nomad

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What is a digital nomad?

If you’ve ever wanted to work in another country, you will have quite quickly found that there can be restrictions, depending on what nationality you are and where you would like to work. In order to encourage people to experience life working in a country, some countries have implemented a visa or residency scheme that has become known as a digital nomad visa. During the Covid-19 pandemic, because of the success of working-from-home restrictions, several countries accelerated the approval of such visa / residency schemes, bringing them into law.

As with most visa schemes, generally these visas cost money to apply for, and you will have to show that you have some form of income, as well as some backup monies. Mainly this income will have to be derived outside of the country that you are applying to live in. As such, tax implications tend to be less.

Where can you apply?

There are already many countries that you can apply to to become a digital nomad, which more governments exploring the idea all the time. This list of countries should give you an idea of which are offering a scheme presently, and this list does not represent an official exhaustive list:

How do I obtain a digital nomad visa?

Each country organises the visa / residency scheme differently. So if you’re serious about considering such a move, it’s best to seek legal advice, or as a minimum to scrutinise the legalities and tax implications of such a move.

Good luck! 🙂

Time zones

When considering which country to work from, don’t forget to take into account the time difference. you might want to consider whether you really want to be getting up at 3am for work meetings? Take a look at the time zones across the world and in Europe.

If you’d like to share any stores about becoming a digital nomad, feel free to reach out to us. We’d be happy to chat!

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