Driving abroad

When you’re planning your expedition or tour, it’s vital to assess what documentation you will need to satisfy the authorities in each country. This is particularly the case when you’re travelling overland across borders. You are often required to have an international driving permit, a green card and a Carnet de passages for example.

We always try to make sure that we’re aware of the different regulations prior to setting off on our travels. If you ignore the rules and you get caught, you may find yourself receiving an on-the-spot fine, or worse. Not having a Carnet can potentially leave you considerably out of pocket in some countries in the Middle East and Africa.

In many parts of the world, and in particular across Europe, countries have toll roads that you have to pay to travel on. You can mostly still pay for use of toll roads in cash or by card at toll gates. However these are slowly being phased out in favour of online charging. Many toll road payments can be now be accessed online – and some countries even insist that you can only pay online, so best to be aware! In our opinion, if we can pay online, we do. As, if you’re driving solo in a RHD car, toll gates can be a real pain, and paying online can help alleviate climbing across the inside of your car!

We’ve tried to summarise lots of the information for you. So if you’re interested in learning more, click on an image below to find out more. The information on international driving permits is broken down by continent to help you plan overland journeys.

You may also find it useful to refer to our information on visas.

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