European travel destinations – Let’s explore here

Take a look at the European travel destinations below to see if there is anywhere you’d like to explore. Click on the images to find further information, insight and tips for overland travel, as well as some anecdotes that may help you on your travels.

Europe covers almost 7% of the land area on the planet, and has about 10% of the world’s population. Each country has an incredible richness to its history, and historically there is no part of the world that has not been affected in one way or another by those in power within the continent.

The diversity of the continent is astounding, reaching from those countries within the Arctic circle in the North, down to those in the South that are now affected by desertification from the Sahara. The Mediterranean area is astoundingly beautiful, and the Alps hold some of the best driving roads on the planet.

There are over 50 countries in Europe at present and the majority have adopted a common currency. A large block of countries – the Schengen Area – have also abolished internal border and immigration controls.

Eight of the top ten most visited countries in the world are in Europe, with France being the most visited. As far as European travel destinations go, there are vast areas on the Eastern fringes of the continent that still remain mostly undiscovered in the main, e.g. in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan.

Remember, when you’re planning your next trip to take a look at what time zone it’s in.

We’re constantly updating information on countries that we visit, so keep referring back to the info as it evolves. We’re also posting the routes we’ve travelled through on our road trips, as well as blogs when we have time.


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Albania is a largely mountainous country with some of the most dangerous roads in Europe. Click the image for more info


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Andorra is a very small but lovely, mountainous country in the Pyrenees. Click the image for more info


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Armenia is an outrageously beautiful, mainly mountainous country that sits in the Caucasus. Click the image for more info


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Austria is so mountainous that only about a quarter of the country is flat enough to live in. Click the image for more info


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Azerbaijan has nine out of the eleven climate zones. It sits within the Caucasus. Click the image for more info


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To the West of Belarus lies the last primeval forest fragment of the European woodlands. Click the image for more info


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Belgium is a great country that manages to relieve the tensions between its Dutch- and the French-speaking citizens. Click the image for more info

Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Bosnia and Herzegovina is a really friendly, beautiful country that has a very short 12 mile coastline. Click the image for more info


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Bulgaria is a stunningly beautiful country full of mountains, that surprises you at every turn. Click the image for more info


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Croatia is peppered with loads of amazing islands that can be accessed via turn-up-and-wait ferries. Click the image for more info


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Cyprus is a spectacular island, particularly along the coasts, in the mountains and forests. Click the image for more info


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Czechia is a landlocked country in central Europe. Many of its villages wouldn’t look amiss in a Robin Hood production! Click the image for more info


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Denmark has almost 1,420 islands larger than 100 square metres in size, including the Faroe Island and Greenland – the world’s biggest island. Click the image for more info


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Estonia is one of the most chilled places in Europe – simply amazing! It’s a small, flat, low lying country, with 2,355 islands. Click the image for more info


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Finland Is a massive country mainly consisting of large forests, 180,000 lakes, and a similar number of islands. Click the image for more info


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France is a beautiful country, with a rich history. It’s the world’s most visited country! This is a view overlooking the town of Gordes. Click the image for more info


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Georgia is a stunning, mainly mountainous country that is part of the Caucasus. There are several disputed regions throughout the country. Click the image for more info


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Germany has some of the most beautiful castles and towns in Europe. This is a view from a cable car overlooking Germany and France. Click the image for more info


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Greece is awesome! This is the Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus, at the Acropolis in Athens. Click the image for more info


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Hungary has the largest lake in Central Europe, Lake Balaton. It also has Lake Hévíz, the largest thermal lake in the world. Click the image for more info


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Iceland is a stunning island country consisting of active volcanoes, mountains, lava fields, geysers and glaciers. Click the image for more info


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Ireland is an absolutely stunningly beautiful country full of rugged coastlines, amazing countryside and friendly people. Click the image for more info


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Italy is simply incredible! Food, climate, landscape, history… This is a view of the bridge into the town of Montefiascone. Click the image for more info


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Kazakhstan is massive – don’t underestimate the time it takes to travel across it, and plan where you might want to stay. Click the image for more info


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Kosovo is a partially recognised country that consists of a central plain, between the Accursed Mountains in the South, South East and South West. Click the image for more info


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The land of storks and crazy drivers! Most of Latvia is less than 350 feet above sea level, and there are lots of forests, lakes and wetlands. Click the image for more info


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Liechtenstein is a very beautiful and tiny principality in central Europe. It has the world’s second highest rate of car ownership! Click the image for more info


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Lithuania is one of the prettiest and friendliest countries. It has a great coast, over a third of the country is forested and there are lots of lakes and wetlands. Click the image for more info


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Luxembourg is one of Europe’s best kept secrets, with lots of castles, mountains and great driving roads! Click the image for more info


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Malta is a low lying island that mostly consists of hills and fields, and there are no rivers or lakes on the island. Click the image for more info


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Moldova is a fascinating, small, landlocked and hilly country close to the Black Sea. To the East lies the breakaway region of Transnistria. Click the image for more info


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Every time we drive through Monaco, we get wrapped up in the fact that we’re driving on the actual Formula 1 race track! Click the image for more info


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The mountains of Montenegro include some of the most rugged terrains in Europe, averaging more than 6,500 feet in height. Click the image for more info


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The Netherlands is the land of the multi-linguists. The people are very tall, super friendly, liberal and very direct! Click the image for more info

North Macedonia

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North Macedonia has several large lakes, one of which, Ohrid, is considered to be one of the oldest lakes in the world. Click the image for more info


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Norway’s coastline measures almost 18,000 miles in length, and is comprised of huge fjords and thousands of islands! Click the image for more info


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In Poland, the Carpathian Mountain range, and in particular the Tatra Mountains are both spectacular and beautiful to behold. Click the image for more info


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Portugal is regularly rated as one of the best places to live in the world. This is a view along the coast in Madeira. Click the image for more info


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Romania is one of the liveliest places in Europe. It has magnificent mountains as well as the Transylvanian plateau (think Count Dracula!). Click the image for more info


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I visited Russia when it was still the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It was one of the friendliest places I’ve ever visited. This is a view of one of the hotels. Click the image for more info

San Marino

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San Marino is a tiny country that sits atop Monte Titano in the Apennine Mountains. It’s the fifth smallest country in the world! Click the image for more info


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Serbia has some of the most stunningly beautiful countryside in Europe. The rolling hills traversed by rivers take your breath away. Click the image for more info


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Slovakia is an incredibly friendly country. It’s beautiful, mostly mountainous, and dominated by the Tatra mountains. Click the image for more info


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Slovenia is dominated by beautiful mountains and forests, and has some of the most spectacular scenery in the region. Click the image for more info


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Spain is one of the most visited places on the planet. This is a view from the Parque Natural Las Ubiñas-La Mesa in north west Spain. Click the image for more info


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Sweden is dominated by massive forests and many lakes. To the west of the country is a long mountain range separating it from Norway. It rains – a lot! Click the image for more info


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Switzerland is a stunning country – the mountains are amazing! It has some of the best driving roads on the continent in Europe. This is a view on the Bernino pass. Click the image for more info


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The capital of Turkey, Istanbul, is the only city in the world to sit in two continents – one in five Turkish citizens live there. Click the image for more info


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Often described as the bread basket of Europe, the landscape of Ukraine consists mainly of fertile plains criss-crossed by rivers. Click the image for more info

United Kingdom

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The United Kingdom has arguably influenced more countries on the planet than any other. It has a varied landscape, mainly pasture, although also including forests, moors and the lake district region. Click the image for more info

Vatican City

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Vatican City State is the smallest country in the world – home to the Catholic Pope. If you see a car with prefix SCV – it’s from Vatican City – a rare sight. Click the image for more info

Thanks to those aspiring photographers at Unsplash and Pixabay for a couple of these images…you are awesome!

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