We are officially back on t’ road!

We’re in Andorra! Estem a Andorra!

After our awesome quick break in fantastic Scotland 🙂 we’re continuing our 2024 Euro trip!

Where are we now?

Since our last road trip across Europe last year, we had to wait a long time to recover some Schengen days, as we’d used our full quota.

This is a map of the countries that we’ve travelled through since Spring 2023. The red dots indicate where we are now and where we’ll be next.

Where are we next?

We’re recommencing our road trip through France, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Andorra, Monaco, Corsica, Sardinia, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, Malta and San Marino.

Our road trip map through France, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Andorra, Monaco, Corsica, Sardinia, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, Malta and San Marino.
Copyright © letsexplorehere.com

To date, we’ve travelled over 33,000 miles (53,000km) so far! That’s more than the distance around the world!

This is a map of all of the countries in Europe that we’ve now visited and stayed over in. Countries we’ve yet to visit are Azerbaijan, Iceland & Malta … we’ll (hopefully) be travelling through Malta soon 🙂

Where to next?

We’re hoping to be able to drive overland to the Stans (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgystan), before heading over to Mongolia, South Korea, Japan, Canada and the USA; although obtaining visas is proving to be troublesome, and the ongoing restriction on entering Azerbaijan by vehicle is still in place.

Map showing our road trip route from Tbilisi in Georgia through to Astana via the Stans
Copyright © letsexplorehere.com

Following completion of our round the world journey, we’ll hopefully travel through North Africa, across Sub-Saharan Africa, down the West Coast of the continent to South Africa, before shipping our vehicle over to South America for a trip up through the Americas. Once our visas and letters of invitation have been authorised, we’ll post the route from Europe through Africa and the corresponding maps.

If you’re interested in what you see and you’re on the route, reach out and let us know! And if you’d like to know more, contact us – we’d be happy to chat!

You may also find it useful to refer to our information on visas and the Schengen area and info on driving abroad.

Where are we now? – pic of the year!

Where are we now? We never go anywhere without our dog, Gracie
Copyright © letsexplorehere.com
This is a picture of our dog, Gracie. She’s a 9 year old American Labrador Retriever.
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