Worldwide travel destinations – Let’s explore here

Take a look at the worldwide travel destinations below to see if there is anywhere you’d like to explore. Click on the images to find further information, insight and tips for overland travel, as well as some anecdotes from our lived experience that may help you on your travels.

We’ve been lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel to some quite amazing places over the last few decades. We’re now going on an overland road trip that should take in quite a lot more countries in the world. But where to first? There are just so many to choose from!

When we’re planning our overland tours we tend to set out a general route, based on many other factors and circumstances, such as availability of visas, how many days we’ve been in the Schengen area, how amenable to being a digital nomad the country is, whether we need a carnet, what time zone it’s in etc. We’ve created some draft routes for our current travel destinations, which we’ve outlined in our road trip pages, as well as below. You can also track our progress via our ‘where are we now?‘ page.

We’ve already obtained a wealth of experience over the many years that we’ve been travelling. Whilst we’re on this journey, we’ll inevitably see loads of places that we like and think yeah, let’s explore here! When we do, we’ll be adding information on places we like, (or don’t!) to these travel pages, in the blog and throughout the site. Hopefully it will be useful 🙂


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For our African journey we’ll be travelling from MAR – ESH – MRT – SEN – GMB – GNB – GIN – SLE – LBR – CIV – GHA – TGO – BEN – NGA – CMR – GNQ – GAB  – COG – COD – AGO – NAM – ZAF – LSO – SWZ – BWA – ZMB – ZWE – MOZ – MWI – TZA – BDI – RWA – UGA – KEN – ETH – SOM – DJI – EGY – LBY – TUN – DZA


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For our Asian journey we’ll be travelling from KAZ – UZB – TKM – TJK – KGZ – KAZ – JOR – LBN – SYR – ISR – PSE – SAU – YEM – OMN – UAE – SAU – QAT – SAU – BHR


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For our European journey, we’re going from UK – FRA – BEL – LUX – NLD – DEU – DNK – SWE – NOR – FIN – EST – LVA – LTU  – POL – CZE – SVK – HUN – SRB – ROU – MDA – UKR – MDA – ROU – HUN – HRV – SVN – ITA – CHE – LIE – AUT – SLO – HRV – BIH – MNE – KOS – ALB – MKD – BUL – TUR – GEO – ARM – AZE – TUR – GRC – MLT – ITA – MCO – FRA – AND – ESP – PRT – GIB

North America

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For our North American journey we’ll be travelling from PAN – CRI – NIC – HND – SLV – GTM – BLZ – MEX – USA – CAN


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For our Oceanic journey we’ll be travelling from AUS – NZL – TON – WSM – FJI

South America

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For our South American journey we’ll be travelling from URY – BRA – PRY – ARG – CHL – BOL – PER – ECU – COL – VEN – GUY – SUR – GUF

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