African travel destinations – Let’s explore here

Take a look at the African travel destinations below to see if there is anywhere you’d like to explore. Click on the images to find further information, insight and tips for overland travel, as well as some anecdotes that may help you on your travels.

Africa covers almost 20% of the land area on the planet (three time larger than Europe). It has about 18% of the world’s population, although on average it is the youngest population in the world. Each country has an incredible richness to its history, and historically there is no part of Africa that has not been affected in one way or another by those in power in Europe. There are over 50 countries in Africa currently, and Algeria is the largest country by area, whereas Nigeria has the largest population.

The diversity of the continent is astounding, reaching from the desertification areas of the Sahara in the North, down through the tropics to the temperate zones in Southern Africa. It is often referred to as having some of the best and worst driving conditions in the world.

Remember, when you’re planning your next trip to look at our info on visas, driving abroad and take a look at what time zone it’s in.

We’re constantly updating information on countries that we visit, so keep referring back to the info as it evolves.


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Algeria is the largest country in Africa and is the centre of the Maghreb. Click the image for more info


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Angola has a very long, rich and troubled history, having gained independence in 1975 as a Marxist–Leninist Republic. Click the image for more info


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Benin consists mostly of forest and savanna, with low mountains in the North West, and most of its population lives by its short coast. Click the image for more info


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The Kalahari desert covers most of Botswana, making it one of the least densely populated countries on earth. Click the image for more info

Burkina Faso

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Burkina Faso is a mostly very flat, landlocked country in West Africa, although in the South West there are sandstone cliffs. Click the image for more info


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Burundi lies on an elevated plateau, averaging at 5,600 feet in height. Farming and grazing has reduced forest to only 6% of the country. Click the image for more info

Cabo Verde

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Cameroon is comprised of almost all terrain that’s found throughout Africa, and as such is often described as ‘Africa in Miniature’. Click the image for more info

Central African Republic

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Central African Republic is comprised of lowland hills covered in forest in the South, swamp forests in the West and savannah elsewhere. Click the image for more info


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The Tibesti Mountains in the North of Chad are home to Emi Koussi, the highest mountain in the Sahara (11,204 feet). Click the image for more info


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Democratic Republic of Congo

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About 9½ times the size of the UK, the Democratic Republic of Congo is mainly comprised of the second largest rainforest on earth. Click the image for more info

Republic of the Congo

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The Republic of Congo is a country in Central Africa, about the same size as Germany, that sits on the equator. Click the image for more info

Cote d’Ivoire

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Cote d’Ivoire consists mostly of farmland for the production food and cocoa beans – for which it is the world largest exporter. Click the image for more info


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Assal, which is located in the centre of Djibouti, lies over 500 feet below sea level, making it the lowest point on land in Africa. Click the image for more info


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For something less touristy, visit Dahab, Nuweiba, Sharm el Sheikh and St Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai. Click the image for more info

Equatorial Guinea

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Equatorial Guinea is split into two parts – on the mainland, and on the island of Bioko, which contains the capital, Malabo. Click the image for more info


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In the centre of Eritrea lies tropical forests and towering highland cliffs. The capital, Asmara is one of the highest capitals in the world. Click the image for more info


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Eswatini is relatively small, mountainous, landlocked Kingdom in Southern Africa. It’s slightly smaller than Wales. Click the image for more info


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The Abyssinian Highlands in Ethiopia is the largest continuous mountainous range in Africa, most of which is over 5,000 feet in height. Click the image for more info


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Ten percent of Gabon’s of savannah, mountains and coastal plains has been given over for natural parks. It joined the Commonwealth in 2022. Click the image for more info


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Gambia is only 30 miles or so at its widest point and is the smallest country in Africa. It mainly consists of savannah and mangrove swamps. Click the image for more info


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Almost the same size as the UK, Ghana consists mostly of rainforest and savanna and mangroves. The name means “Warrior King” in Serakhulle. Click the image for more info


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Guinea consists of mountains, jungle, and lowland savannah grasslands and mangrove swamps elsewhere. It’s about the same size as the UK. Click the image for more info


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Guinea-Bissau is a mainly flat country consisting of savannah grasslands and mangrove swamps in Western Africa. Click the image for more info


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Mount Kenya, Africa’s second highest mountain, lies in the Kenyan highlands in the South-Centre. Click the image for more info


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Lesotho the only country in the world that lies entirely above 1,000 metres in elevation – Its lowest point being 1,400m above sea level. Click the image for more info


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Liberia mainly consists of rainforests, mangrove swamps and lowland savannah grasslands. It is Africa’s first and oldest modern republic. Click the image for more info


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Libya is a large and beautiful country in North Africa, dominated in the South by the Sahara Desert, and by woodlands to the North. Click the image for more info


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The Great Rift Valley runs throughout Malawi from North to South, and there are sizeable mountains to the South. Click the image for more info


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Historically Mali was the richest country in Africa. Mansa Musa, reportedly the richest man who ever lived was from Mali. Click the image for more info


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Mauritania is comprised of many types of Saharan desert, and includes the Richat Structure, an incredible circular geological feature. Click the image for more info


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Morocco is comprised of stunning Saharan desert that merges with the vast Atlas Mountains and the Rim Mountains. Click the image for more info


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Very slightly larger than Turkey, Mozambique mostly consists of hills and highlands to the North, with some mountains to the South. Click the image for more info


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Namibia’s Namib desert lays claim to being the oldest and driest desert in the world, and has the highest dunes anywhere. Click the image for more info


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Mali is comprised of many types of desert. In the North lies the Aïr Mountains, which create a microclimate which supports many types of life. Click the image for more info


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Nigeria is a the most populous country in Africa – there are over 230 million people. At almost four times the size of the UK. Click the image for more info


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The entire country of Rwanda sits at a high altitude, the lowest point being 3,117 feet above sea level. Click the image for more info

Sao Tome and Principe

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Senegal’s capital, Dakar is the most Westerly point on the continent. The country mainly consists of savannah grasslands and mangrove swamps. Click the image for more info


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Sierra Leone

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Sierra Leone is about the same size as Ireland, and mainly consists of rainforests, mangrove swamps and lowland savannah grasslands. Click the image for more info


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About twice the size of Norway, Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa (2070 miles). In the North lie desert-like mountains. Click the image for more info

South Africa

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South Africa has the greatest number of world heritage sites in Africa, including the ‘Cradle of Humankind’. Click the image for more info

South Sudan

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South Sudan is mainly made up of grasslands, high-altitude plateaus, wooded and grassy savannas, tropical forests, floodplains and swamps. Click the image for more info


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Sudan is mainly made up of desert plains, aside from the volcanic Marrah Mountains in the West. It has a very long and troubled history. Click the image for more info


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Tanzania is one of the oldest continuously inhabited places in the world, and today is the most populous country in the Southern hemisphere. Click the image for more info


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Togo is a fairly small, tropical country in West Africa, about the size of Croatia. Its coast, at only 35 miles long, consists of beaches. Click the image for more info


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In ancient times Tunisia was the home of the Carthaginian Empire that dominated the Mediterranean. Click the image for more info


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All of Uganda is at a high altitude, the average being 900m above sea level. Lake Victoria dominates the South. Click the image for more info


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Zambia is a large, landlocked country in Central Africa, about three times the size of the UK. It mostly consists of very high plateaus. Click the image for more info


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Zimbabwe, a landlocked country in Central Africa, had a period with the second highest hyperinflation ever recorded. Click the image for more info

Thanks to those aspiring photographers at Unsplash and Pixabay for some of these images…you are awesome!

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