Kyrgyzstan / Кыргыз Республикасы / Кыргызская Республика – Let’s explore here

Kyrgyzstan is a stunning, almost entirely mountainous, landlocked country in central Asia. The Tian Shan mountains cover over 80% of the country. It’s further from the sea than any other country on earth. It has a very long, rich and interesting history. In former times it was a major trading and stopping point for those on the Silk Road. Its neighbours include China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Approximately one in six of the population live in the capital, Bishkek. Apparently, based on DNA evidence, Bishkek is considered one of the possible origins of the Black Death between AD 1346 and 1353 – estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of the European population, as well as approximately 33% of the population of the Middle East.

Almost 90% of Kyrgyzstan sits more than 4,900ft (1,500m) above sea level. Kyrgyzstan’s highest point is Victory Peak {Jengish Chokusu} lies in the far east of the country, on the border with China, at 24,406ft (7,439m) above sea level.

toktogul reservoir, Kyrgyzstan
Toktogul reservoir, Kyrgyzstan

Current travels

On our current journey we’ll continue to travel on the Pamir highway from Tajikistan to Osh in Kyrgyzstan. From there the route takes us to Jalal’Abad, across the mountains to Toktogul reservoir, and on to the capital, Bishkek. From there we head east following the border with Kazakhstan towards Lake Karakol and Karakol city itself.

Our travels through Kyrgyzstan take us through to Osh – Jalal’Abad – Toktogul reservoir – Bishkek – Karakol – Karkara Valley

What currency do they use in Kyrgyzstan?

In Kyrgyzstan they use the Kyrgystani som. Cash is widely used. The use of credit / debit cards is not widely accepted outside of the capital, Bishkek. Traveller’s cheques are not accepted at banks. There are lots of ATMs in cities and towns. Dollars can be accepted for some larger purchases.

You should make yourself aware of the amount that your bank charges you for using credit and debit cards abroad. Often credit cards are cheaper for purchasing items directly, and for withdrawing cash from ATMs.

What language do they speak in Kyrgyzstan?

They speak Russian and Kyrgyz in Kyrgyzstan. English is not widely spoken outside of the capital.

What time zone is Kyrgyzstan in?

Remember, when you’re planning your next trip to take a look at what time zone it’s in.

Do I need a visa to visit Kyrgyzstan?

We’ve created a dedicated, more comprehensive page on visas, which you should find helpful. Check it out!

What’s it like to drive in Kyrgyzstan?

We’ve also created a dedicated page to driving abroad, which you might find helpful 🙂

Is wild camping legal in Kyrgyzstan?

Yes, wild camping is fine in Kyrgyzstan.

If you’ve got some awesome pictures, or some useful info that you’d like to share, let us know! 

And don’t forget to check out all the other pictures!

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